We Store Electricity Offshore in Form of Potential Energy.
Buoyant Energy develops high efficiency energy storage systems based on well-established technologies of pumped-storage hydropower.

Buoyant Energy Concept Animation

Buoyant Energy Concept 2 Animation
Buoyant Energy's technology represents a revolutionary new take on energy storage.
Far-fetched? Make up your own mind!
Our key features:
- Offshore pumped-storage next to new feeding sources (wind energy)
- Very high efficiency
- Unlimited number of load cycles
- Response time of mere seconds
- Fully dispatchable
- Based on tested and proven construction methods
- Combined harvesting and storage of open sea renewable energy
- Can easily be integrated into any form of offshore infrastructure
Decentralized Offshore Energy Storage
Climate change. Ecological Footprints. Solar Power. Energy Systems. Why are these keywords such a medial top theme?
Because these days more and more new motions are being passed, which are regulating the use of renewable energy sources. If renewable energy sources should be used as much as the European Union would like them to be used by 2020, something needs to be changed. Renewable energy sources are intermittent, which means that their energy output never equals the energy demand at that time. Consequently there will be times of energy excess alternating with times of energy shortage. The balance between energy supply and demand is a prerequisite for any stable energy system. This is where the new and highly efficient energy storage system Buoyant Energy comes in.
There are various storage technology approaches that have been designed over the years for many differing fields, but in hindsight certain economic and technical drawbacks have come to light, such as issues with cost, topographical requirements, economic and energy storage efficiency as well as their current stage in development. The brand new principle of Buoyant Energy has been developed to overcome such flaws, as have been seen in all storage systems to date.
Buoyant Energy, a floating hydraulic energy storage system, is based on the well-established technology behind pumped energy storage systems. Floating platforms – arranged individually or in clusters – can be located close to offshore wind farms, like in the European North Sea, or any offshore site, where decentralized compensation of fluctuating power generation is needed.